In 2023, Central Vineyard began a transition to a new lead pastor as well as a broader leadership restructure. Below is a repository of updates related to this transition. 

November 20, 2024
Central Vineyard Transition Update | Elders

On Sunday 11/17, we explored in a bit more depth what it will mean for our church to move toward a leadership structure that includes a team of elders who will serve us as a body of discernment—noticing and nurturing the work of God in each of us. Thomas preached on elders and we heard more details from Parker and Tori on the process of nominating, training and confirming elders.

Nominations for elders at Central Vineyard are open now through December 15, 2024. Jared and members of the CV Board will be available at our December 8th Congregational Meeting to answer any outstanding questions that you might have. After watching the video, please click here to see more details and submit a nomination. 

September 3, 2024
Central Vineyard Transition Update | Community

The church has always been the Kingdom of God at work through lots of peoples’  hands, each working according to the gifts that God has given them, with lots of moving pieces. And because that’s what the church has always been, that’s what we’re in the middle of right now as a church”.

Check out this Transition Update from Jared as we enter into the last third of 2024-this video is a bit of a preview for what’s to come at Central Vineyard and a little more about our current sermon series on Community. 

July 3, 2024
Central Vineyard Transition Update | 180 Days

Here are some updates not covered in the video:

Karl is still part of our team and is presently holding some of the executive and financial functions. Karl will stay in this part-time work while taking a bit of a breather for the summer months to be at home with his kids. Karl has been very present to people pastorally through this transition season and we are eager to continue to welcome Karl’s pastoral presence in the life of our church. Karl remains part of our teaching team.

June continues to help us with prayer ministry and is faithful to join our team meeting every Tuesday. If you are interested in joining the prayer ministry team - you can reach out to June!

Thomas and Tori continue to be on our teaching team and serve in a variety of ways.

February 28, 2024
60 Day Update & Congregational Meeting

Here's a 60 day update from Interim Lead Pastor Jared Boyd as well as the audio from the March 10, 2024 congregational meeting.

January 2, 2024
New Year, New Season, New Rhythms

Dear Friends,I have a lot of joy as we head into this new year. It’s a new season in the life of Central Vineyard, there is a lot of transition happening right now, and I’d love for you to join us at a congregational meeting after our Sunday service on January 7th, 2024. At this meeting, I’ll be sharing just a few more details about my role as (part-time) Interim Lead Pastor at Central Vineyard. I’ll do my best to answer any questions you have about what lies ahead, and we’ll set some intentions for the first quarter of this new year.

New Rhythms (Beginning January 7th)

The most important thing I’d like to share with you is some changes to the order of our worship service that our leadership team will be implementing beginning THIS SUNDAY, January 7th. I’d be happy to answer questions about these changes at our January 7th congregational meeting. And, we’ll spend the next six months unpacking some of these changes — we’ll begin a sermon series in March called The Presence of God & the Work of the People where we’ll be teaching through every facet of our Sunday liturgy. Liturgy is a word that describes the “work of the people” who make up the church. We gather to pray and worship and read scripture together — this makes up our work together as a people who are seeking the face of God and the healing work of God found in his presence

The most important thing for you to note is that we’ll be doing kids check-in BEFORE service begins (the kids will be joining us for the second half of the service). So, if you have kids, please come a little early to get those kids settled in. 

Here is a rough outline of our new Sunday rhythm:

9:45 | Coffee is ready and doors are open for CVKids Check-in

10:00 | Find a seat!

10:05 | Call to worship (1 song, guided silence/reflection, scripture-reading)

10:15 | Preaching

10:50 | Welcome of Kids (Pre-K and older) / Worship / Eucharist

11:15 | Prayer Ministry

11:25 | Closing Blessing

In this new rhythm, we’ll begin promptly with a call to worship and guided reflection at 10:05 (though I bet it’s going to take us a few weeks to work out some kinks). If you’re running late, that’s okay!!! But, with this new schedule, you might be entering into a room of quiet prayer rather than a room of people singing. This might be the biggest change for most of us, but we’ll graciously practice into this new rhythm in the weeks and months to come.

Friends, I’m excited to share some of my own “Central Vineyard story” on January 7th.

Much love and blessings, 

Jared Boyd

Interim Lead Pastor

December 4, 2023
Interim Pastor Announcement

Dear Friends,

I was so pleased to announce yesterday the Board’s selection of Jared Boyd as Interim Senior Pastor for Central Vineyard Church effective January 1. Jared has accepted an offer from our Board and we are enthusiastic about his thoughts and ideas for Central Vineyard in this new season.

For me personally, Jared has been a strong pastoral voice, particularly during some of my struggles and growth seasons over the past few years. There are few people I trust more as a friend and as a leader.

Jared lives a life that embodies the mission of Central Vineyard Church. As many of you know, Jared was a part of the CV founding team back in 2004 when we were meeting under the trees in the Whetstone Park of Roses. For many years, Jared also served as a Pastor at Central Vineyard and, most recently, as a Lead Pastor at the Franklinton Abbey. Jared has served on the National Board at Vineyard USA, founded a missional monastic order (The Order of the Common Life), and authored three books. He and his wife Jaime are also raising four daughters. The Board and I believe that these experiences have prepared him expertly to lead our church in this next season.

Through months of conversation, prayer, and discernment, we have seen that Jared is ready to bring fresh vision and energy to the work of Central Vineyard. We look forward to the ways he will empower and equip our leaders, create sustainability in our structures and processes, and re-establish a culture of deep connection and spiritual formation in our church.

Friends, Adrienne and I will be stepping away from CV for a few months to make space for the new iteration of the team to be established. I’m beyond excited to continue as a member of Central Vineyard, serving in any way that is helpful. You folks are my family! I’m personally looking forward to being pastored by the leadership team Jared will be overseeing, and very excited to see all kinds of new folks who will be newly included in helping to lead and serve in God’s good work at Central Vineyard.

Central Vineyard Family, It has been an honor to serve as your Lead Pastor the past 20 years, and I look forward to worshiping and serving alongside you into the future. Adrienne and I are excited to be a part of what God is doing!


Jeff Cannell